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IHRA at San Antonio

Part 2

Words and Photos by Jeff Burk



IHRA's version of Pro Stock resembles NHRA's Pro Stock class in name only. Ford-powered cars outnumber the GM brand and are the dominant cars. Chevys, Fords and Mopars all have feature a "Hemi" cylinder-head and the engines all displace 815 cubic inches. IHRA Pro Stockers are the quickest and fastest gas only door slammers in quarter-mile competition.

At San Antonio, Robert Patrick's Mustang led all qualifiers with a 6.427 blast while the number two qualifier, Brian Gahm, also in a Ford set the speed mark for the class at 217.39 mph. In all there were six cars in the 6.40 range and four cars that ran 217 or quicker. The Pro Stock track record was set and reset constantly during the event with Patrick ending up with the records.

In eliminations Patrick served notice to the rest of the field with a 6.459/216 bye run. Dan Seamon and Pete Berner also won in the first round with passes in the 6.40 range at
speeds approaching 217 mph. The second round of eliminations was nothing short of incredible as every car save one ran the quarter in under 6.50 seconds, with three cars recording speeds of 217 mph or faster. 

It wasn't so many years ago that the speeds and ET's IHRA Pro Stocker are putting up on the boards would have been good Pro Mod times. Seamon proved unstoppable after getting past Patrick in the second round. He trailered Berner's Mustang in the semi-finals with a stellar 6.444/217.32 pass that was good for Top Speed and Low ET of eliminations. He then matched up with Brian Gahm in the finals.


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