Moroso 5-Day Bracket Championships
Photo Replay…
By Jok Nicholson
These are just some of the photos I got a kick out of taking. If you live and breathe bracket racing like I do I hope you enjoy some of the photos. The one thing that really stood out to me was how informal and super-nice the previous Champions were. They would take the time to talk to everyone and even though their stature in the bracket-racing world has been secured they are still like you and me, BRACKET RACERS!! I am proud and humbled to have met most of them and raced against them as well.
Here we are ready to leave Iowa for sunny Florida. It was an easy choice sine there was a Winter Weather Advisory in effect. (For those of you in the South, that translates to “get the hell out of Iowa before you’re snowed in”) The snow was just starting to accumulate on the grass when we rolled out.
Ahhhh, only 48 hours later and I am reading a warning sign “Do Not Feed the Alligators.” They weren’t kidding -- we found several 5-foot gators in the canals that surround Moroso Motorsports Park.
If you are going to see an example of what a first-class bracket racing operation should be look no further than to the Jeg’s team. Neat as a pin, fast as can be, and a great bunch of guys who race hard and win! An official “tip of the DRO cap (a Jeg’s cap of course) to Jeggie and crew on their wins.