Volume IX, Issue 11, Page 40


Super Gas (9.70 index)
W: Wayne Pugh, 9.729/132.91
RU: Ron Hall, 9.770/126.86

W: Lou Gerencer, 9.568/141.92
RU: Larry Edmondson, 9.683/138.94

Super Sport (10.3 index)
W: Glen Welchko, 10.405/114.78
RU: Terry Tripp, 10.460/125.97

Super Eliminator (10.9 index)
Donnie Huffman, 11.002/116.66
RU: Charlie Walker, 11.106/100.75

124 Challenge
W: Lou Gerencer, 11.268/105.36
RU: Mike Roberts, broke

Hot Street
W: Charley Douglass, 10.119/128.33
RU: Bruce Croneberger, 10.235/125.44

SEP (11.5 index)
W: Dean Druschel, 11.641/106.68
RU: Dan Norlin, 11.642/115.70

W: Wayne Pugh, 9.70, 9.717/132.49
RU: Chip Sutinen, 11.53, 11.717/110.32

Andy Simon was Street Pro runner-up to Verl Smith and trails Zach Johnson in the points standings.

Robbie McCaa sponsors and competes in the
Street Pro class.

The number 2 seems to be the number of the day for Clackamas, Oregon, racer Sonny Burres (above). He finished second to Terry Stewart in the Pro Drag final at Pomona and is second in the points behind Rick Moore. 

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