As the day ended racers retreated to the pits for bench racing and good food. It was a great night to be at the track and the expectations for Sunday were running high.
Then came the morning…and did I mention the rain?
After a great job of track prep by Jerry, Jeremy and the entire Famoso crew the racing began with only a brief delay. Eliminations were once again hard fought with some of the closest racing all season. The usual suspects came out swinging and the reaction times and ET’s reflected the level of competition that would be required to take home the hardware. Unfortunately, Mother Nature wasn’t as cooperative and things ground to a halt as rain came and went over a two-hour period. After some tough deliberations and conversations with track management, it was decided to continue the final rounds the following Monday. Not a popular decision, but sacrifices had to be made.
Jeff Crider
Mike Williams
As it turned out Monday brought about milder weather and an excellent track for the completion of the event. In the end, the final winners of 2007 were Ken Ratzloff in A/G, Rick Logsdon in B/G, Red McGuiness in C/G, Mike Williams in D/G, Austin Frye in NE1, Jeff Crider in NE2, Craig Wallace in NE3, Josh Conrad in Hot Rod, Kevin Sisemore in Sportsman and Max Blast in Open Wheel.
The ANRA family would like to acknowledge the final event for Larry Ofria behind the wheel of his Valley Head Services ‘57 Chevy. Larry and his crew have been loyal supporters of the ANRA and we look forward to the new chapter for the Ofria gang in 2008 and beyond. Thanks for the memories Larry!
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