With the win, Haight became the all time winningest driver in Goodguys Nostalgia Top Fuel history. (Bob Johnson photo)
Haight started by dispatching David Pace with an opening round 6.203, got a bye run in the semis in which he legged out a 6.055 at 235.51 then beat Odie Coker in a rematch of last year’s final with a strong 6.096 at 249.86. Coker, trying to draw Haight into a red light with a throttle blip as the tree went full, ended up red-lighting himself, backfiring his plan.
First Rd: Lincoln Hassel, Raleigh, NC 6.825/186.23 def Tom Steed, Ballerica, MA 8.961/87.86; Odie Coker, Keifer, OK 6.619/204.82 def Michael Sexton, Bloomington, IN (broke); Howard Haight, Brownsburg, IN 6.203/233.96 def. David Pace, Longview, TX 7.449/168.14
Semi: Howard Haight 6.055/233.51 was unopposed; Odie Coker 6.599/204.45 def. Lincoln Hassel 6.810/201.07
Final: Howard Haight 6.096/249.86 def Odie Coker 6.740/202.21 (foul)
Odie Coker (Bob Johnson photo)