In round one he laid down a fine 4.982 to take out a tire smoking Richard Holcomb. This would give him Low ET of the race and lane choice over Don Prudhomme. He deep staged and shut down the Snake with a 5.124 to a 5.206.
Back in the “Beer Wars” days. Gwynn’s Coors Extra Gold dragster up against the Miller Lite mount of Dick LaHaie.
It didn't get any easier for Gwynn as he had to face Dick LaHaie in the semi-finals. Again having lane choice, he deep staged, left first and trounced an up-in-smoke LaHaie with a 5.02.
That gave Gwynn lane choice over Eddie Hill, whom he had defeated in the 1989 final round. Hill had run a 5.12 in his win over Gary Ormsby and was always a crowd favorite especially since his win at the Gators in 1988. But the crowd was clearly in Gwynn’s lane and went completely nuts when he again deep staged and was out on Hill, who smoked the tires at the hit, back pedaled but could not catch up. Gwynn won his second straight Gatornationals Top Fuel title with a great 5.011 to Hill’s ever so close 5.087.