ROUND ONE: Greg Stanfield, Pontiac GXP, 6.650, 207.50 def. Ron Krisher, GXP, 17.771, 64.82; Erica Enders, Chevy Cobalt, 6.629, 208.97 def. Allen Johnson, Dodge Avenger, 6.650, 209.49; Larry Morgan, Ford Mustang, 6.672, 208.17 def. Greg Anderson, GXP, foul; Vincent Nobile, Avenger, 6.643, 209.62 def. Kurt Johnson, GXP, 6.667, 208.10; Mike Edwards, GXP, 6.629, 209.17 def. V. Gaines, Avenger, 6.683, 208.36; Rodger Brogdon, GXP, 6.633, 208.68 def. Warren Johnson, Cobalt, 6.683, 208.36; Ronnie Humphrey, GXP, 6.636, 208.65 def. Steve Kent, GXP, 6.664, 207.08; Jason Line, GXP, 6.641, 208.36 def. Shane Gray, GXP, 6.673, 207.34
QUARTERFINALS: Nobile, 6.621, 209.95 def. Line, foul; Stanfield, 6.652, 208.01 def. Humphrey, 6.653, 208.88; Brogdon, 6.642, 208.97 def. Enders, 6.648, 208.97; Edwards, 6.620, 209.49 def. Morgan, 7.614, 134.56
SEMIFINALS: Nobile, 6.636, 209.14 def. Stanfield, 6.646, 208.26; Brogdon, 6.641, 208.78 def. Edwards, 6.643, 209.20
Nobile and Brogdon in the final round. (Joe McHugh photo)
FINAL: Nobile, 6.625, 209.72 def. Brogdon, 6.624, 208.78