Following the first qualifying session, Dal Denton made a test pass which provided some incredible early numbers in the “Sudden Pleasure” fuel altered, which we may see in OFAA competition this season.  Providing some post first round excitement for the fans, DoDad Burton and Howard Farris both made test hits which resulted in positive results.  Burton clicked off a career best 4.14 mph at 172 mph blast and Farris posted his best numbers since his OFAA return in the “War Wagon”. 

Tonight, it was time for Trussell and Jones to shine as the final round stage was no new surroundings for these two.  This marked the third final in the last four starts for Chris Trussell and the fourth final in the last five starts for Jimmy Jones.  Trussell toped Jones in their last final round meeting at North Star Dragway in the fall of 2010 and needless to say, a true battle of blown alcohol heavy weights would close the action and decide an event champion at North Star Dragway.