The racers were called to the lanes for the last of three qualifying sessions just 90 minutes after the second session and all nine cars found their way to the lanes. Low qualifier Rogers was going for another 4.053 but got a little greedy on the tune-up and as a result shook and skated to a 4.243/151.77. Chicago area racer Adler in his supercharged ’57 Chevy apparently was also going for the low ET and overpowered the track and spun the slicks on his way to a 4.477/126 shut-off pass.
Mike Chitty was the most improved qualifier in the last session recording a 4.399 that was significantly better than his first pass of 5.075. Cathy Belcher, who had the only screw blower-equipped car in the field sat out the last qualifying round because of an exploded transmission reverser they were trying to repair.
After the last round it was a four-second field with Harger holding down the bump with a 4.577/146.91.
Tom Harger and his 1995 Olds (near lane) and Judd Coffman burn out before a qualifying pass.
Ninety minutes after the last qualifying round the first round of Pro Mod Eliminations were called to the lanes and all but Cathy Belcher came to the lanes. Despite a two-hour thrash, the Belchers were unable to fix their trans and Bruce Micetich came in on the break rule.