Number one and two qualifiers held but Goodguys president Marc Meadors and his team in the “Pure Hell 2” Camaro made a nice jump into third with 6.18 at 234 mph. In fourth came the veteran of the West Coast Pro Mod wars, Lee Smith in his ‘58 Corvette, with daughter Sara Stoken tuning the Alan Johnson combination to a solid 6.31 second run, also topping 230 miles per hour.

Rounding out the eight-car show was former Nightfire Nationals winner Brett Williamson in the Williamson and Gore ‘53 Studebaker. Dan Nickelson, who returns to the Pro Mod wars after a long layoff in a vintage (former Rickie Smith and Dennis Radford) 2001 Dodge Viper was in sixth, setting top speed of the event for Pro Mods at 236.59. Dan Myers in his Cameo Chevy Pickup was seventh, and on the bump was Jay Diedrich in his great looking 1970 Camaro.

In round one it started out with Smith and Williamson. At the green it was Smith out by .05, and he was pulling away then started to rattle the tires and move around in his lane. In most cases this would spell the end for Smith as Williamson normally would go booming by, but in the words of Bob Frey “we don’t race these things on paper.” In the other lane Williamson was using up the entire width of his lane too, and at about 900 feet said, “enough” and lifted while Smith gave the throttle one more stab that got him to the stripe first with a 6.82 that easily covered Team Eagle’s 7.81-second run.

The second pair brought out the two blue cars, Scialpi in his teal and white ‘57 Bel Air along side the ‘57 Chevy Cameo of Dan Myers. This one was a wire-to-wire job for Scialpi as he left first and was never to be headed running a stunning 6.14 at just 218 mph to cover Myers’ 7.29, who burned up a motor and made a significant offering to the aluminum gods.