When five-time NHRA Pro Stock World Champion Jeg Coughlin, Jr., gives up drag racing and moves to Formula One, you'll know where his road racing career started -- at the Capitol Offense 24 Hours of Lemons, held this past weekend at Summit Point Motorsports Park in West Virginia.
Driving the "Buckeye Blitz" -- an '85 Honda Accord covered with 100 Ohio State University football helmet stickers -- Jeg and teammates Scott "Woody" Woodruff, Kenny Underwood, and Jay Roberts didn't have the finish they wanted. They were done in, twice, by a busted wheel bearing. But the team wasn't singing the blues. As Jeg said, they "learned a lot" and, just as importantly, "had a blast." (Official results weren't yet available at the time of this writing.)
Jeg Coughlin's "Buckeye Blitz" (car 28) goes wide to stay out of the way of faster traffic at the 24 Hours of Lemons, Summit Point Motorsports Park, June 18.