The black Camaro stood straight up in the air right off the starting line, bounced off the bumper, with all four tires off the ground, the car then started to list to the right as it started to come down, the right rear tire hooked the asphalt. This snapped the front end to the ground. The force from that blew out the right front tire, that rebound sent the car into the air again; rolling to the left, where it appeared it might roll onto the guard wall. The left front tire caught enough of the track to keep that from happening, and the car finally settled to the ground on all fours. DenBesten slid the car to a stop, got out and saluted the crowd that was going crazy from his run.
Afterwards, DenBesten was asked if he was alright. “I am now but my mom is probably going to kill me when she sees me,” he answered.
After seeing the DenBesten show Steve Stuart went for the long distance award and got it by driving his all steel bodied Chevelle over 150 feet on the rear tires, an amazing display of car control and driving ability.