DRO: Do you know what caused the explosion?
RG: Yeah. Of all things an air line came out of the air shifter and stuck the tranny back into low gear. That caused a whole big buzz and the motor could not take it. It threw the rods out of it. The blower couldn’t take it either, it also came off the car, and I’m sure there are also some broken intake valves too.
DRO: What about the body? Is it relatively in one piece?
RG: I’m gonna have to see when we get it home if it can be fixed or (we) just get a new one. The problem is that these fiberglass bodies are so heavy and when you repair them it makes them heavier.
DRO: Can you run carbon fiber?
RG: We can but nobody makes a carbon fiber ‘73 Mustang body. The last time this car was run back in the day it was as a Mustang II, but I think we will stay with the ‘73 Mustang.
DRO: What is the tentative schedule then?
RG: We’ll make Boise in May. We love that place, both of their races and the New Family, so we will do everything we can to make those events.