Whilst entries in other categories may have been worryingly light, the appearance of two new Nitro Funny Cars and the competition debut of Jason Phelps behind the wheel of the Marshall Amps/MPM Oil/Smokehead Shockwave II Mustang represents significant hope for the future of the breed. Veterans John Spuffard and Gordon Smith had their first competitive outings in the all new Showtime Mustang and MPM Oil Shockwave III Stratus respectively, but it was the veterans’ veteran Leif Helander and the Starkotter Saab was due to run off against Phelps but the curfew hour arrived before this final could be run. However, promising times appear to be around the corner and the time might just be ripe for a renewed series for the floppers to make an appearance.
Hands up how many of you who have seen a penguin at a drag strip? Dutch Super Pro competitor Johan Ooman’s back-up crew gave us the opportunity to achieve a first in the history of DRO race reports. It was that kind of weekend.
June 14th – 17th Swedish Internationals, Tierp Arena, Sweden
July 5th – July 8th FHRA Nitro Nationals, Alastaro, Finland
August 10th – 12th NitrolympX, Hockenheim, Germany
August 23rd – 26th Swedish Internationals II, Tierp Arena, Sweden
September 6th – 9th FIA European Finals, Santa Pod Raceway, England