Thundering motors, burning slicks, cheering crowds, blazing speeds and the unforgettable smell of nitromethane filled the air again at Eddyville Raceway during the 7th running of World Fuel Altered Nationals on Aug. 17-18. A race record 20 fuel alts showed up and tried to qualify for the eight-car “A” and “B” fields.
Teams from the nine states of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan raced for the $25,000+ in prize money and contingency awards. Racers and fans alike were treated to Chamber of Commerce weather, side-by-side AA/FA racing, a car show along with great eats and lots of swag for sale. Hero cards were handed out with autographs and lots of t-shirts went home with their new owners. It was the perfect combination for a fun weekend for drivers and fans alike.