Fifth found Robert Overholser in the “California Hustler” Firebird at 5.919 ET at 239.53 mph, Rian Konno and his team in the “Kazanjian Lemon & Konno” Mustang conquered their nitro gremlins and posted a solid 5.924 ET at 243.50 mph for sixth.  Mike Halstead driving the “Scared Straight” Mustang, tuned by Brad Thompson rounded out the five second contingent at 5.971 ET at 237.59 mph followed by nitro veteran Roger Garten in his “War Horse” Mustang.

The final round, under the unique format, brought Rian Konno defeating James Day in a close one with Konno carding an improved 5.902 to Day’s 5.969.  The only hiccup in the evening of nitro was Mike Halstead who legged out an ailing engine only to oildown the top end of his lane after Rick Rogers spun the tires off the line.  At close to Midnight the resulting fifty-minute cleanup, with two more races to decide the outcome of the event was difficult. 

When the cleanup was finished Dan Horan’s Mustang nailed another 5.812 ET at 253.09 mph to take the lead after Roger Garten broke and pulled off before the burnout.