Sunday Morning means round two of the fuel cars.
Rick White showed the muscle of Chuck Neal’s tuneup. In a 5.66/249.72 to 5.96/206.10 victory over Dusty Green in the beautiful “Circuit Breaker.” The cool thing about the Neal and White crew is that these are a bunch of seasoned veterans of the drag racing wars. Win or lose they maintain a very level demeanor. Somewhat a “Been there, done that” attitude.
Rick McGee moved on as he defeated Rick Williamson and Bartone took care of Ron August in the “Forever Young” fueler with a stout 5.62.
In what on paper would be an upset number 14 qualifier Adam Sorokin took out the higher qualified Denver Schultz who had issues starting the car.
Sorokin got an interesting message prior to that run. “I did the burnout and backed up and was getting ready to pull forward and all of a sudden the canopy comes open and a piece of paper is stuck in my face with the words written ‘½ track’ so that’s what I did” stated Sorokin.
Adam Sorokin (near lane) and Rick White. (Tim Marshall photo)
This is where the tough sledding got tougher. The first pair out was Rick White and Adam Sorokin. Sorokin had another of his telepathic .035 lights and was out on White by a country mile until the little small blocks fuse ran out and the engine expired in a huge white cloud of piston smoke. White was able to pass Sorokin in the lights to take the win.
Bartone caught a huge break when he borrowed some of Sorokin’s starting line magic with a .061 and ran a 5.82 that barely covered a much quicker 5.70 of Rick McGee. McGee’s down fall was a .220 light.