Neal Constantinou was Top Sportsman winner.
The inaugural East Coast Nationals held at Sydney Dragway on November 7-8 featured the initial running of the “400 Thunder” Australian Professional Drag Racing Series under ANDRA sanction and despite occasional stopping and starting due to rain the race finally went into the books.
In years past early November at Sydney Dragway signaled the running of the biggest race of the year – the ANDRA Nationals. Now 2015 will be the first year this millennium where no Nationals will be. That said, they are due to run at Calder Park next February but amazingly without the Top Alcohol and Top Doorslammer brackets. In the time since the East Coast Nationals race was run and my finishing this report, it has been announced that “400 Thunder” won’t continue with ANDRA sanction but IHRA instead – flummoxed well get in a line behind myself and the Burkster because we are both totally confused.
Entries were down on the Nationals this time last year however the biggest crowd in about the same time period came in to watch the proceedings. Of note was the giant four-car Rapisarda Autosport International Top Fuel team of part time NHRA competitor Santo Rapisarda. From what I can see this was the first time that any team owner had fielded four cars in the Top Fuel bracket anywhere in the world. In addition to local drivers Wayne Newby and Damien Harris, Rapisarda flew in two American drivers, Cory McClenathan and Dom Lagana, as well as fuel tuner extraordinaire Lee Beard.
Prior to the event there was some doubt whether we would see a full eight-car field in the bracket, what with the recent retirement of the Lamattina team and their two cars. What was a surprise, though, was the reappearance of former multi-time Australian Top Fuel champ, Darren Morgan, thanks to the injection of funds from tool company AEG, and the Sunraysia son certainly didn’t disappoint.
Probably the biggest disappointment for the 400 Thunder classes (if you are wondering what the 400 stands for we think it is 400 meters) was Saturday qualifying. Despite the usual excellent track preparation, the vast majority of Pro category cars were way down on their personal bests. Quite a number of drivers encountered severe tire shake and/or went up in smoke. The track went cold early and in the case of Top Fuel a 4 p.m. session rather than 6 p.m. and 8:30 would have been a much better option in trying to keep a car safely planted to the other end.