In recent years, Jack has been working as an over-the-road escort for over sized loads traveling our nation’s highways. “Any roads in the lower 48 states and parts of Canada, our services can accommodate safe travel for extra large items that have to be delivered by flatbeds, low-boys or whatever that has to travel over the roads,” he said. “We can help get you there safely.”
On February 7, 2015, Jack turned 89 years of age. While many can’t wait to retire or slow down in life, Jack will have none of that. “I’m still working, I’ll always work, I just do my own thing,” he stated. “I’ve always been self employed except for a time when I worked for and with Joie Chitwood and his Thrill Show.”
Jack has always lived his life in a manor that is well expressed by the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it.” This in part explains why Jack has returned, at least part time, to exhibition racing. “There’s three reasons why I still want to do this,” in the words of Capt. Jack, “Because I am able to live my dream, because I still can -- I have all the right parts -- and my health is still with me.”
The rocket kart is a tight mean little package that has a weight of close to 250 pounds when race ready.
The rocket motor, fueled by hydrogen peroxide, is rated at 1,500 pounds of thrust. The red canister above the engine contains the 6-foot cross form parachute.