(Ron Lewis photo)
Hight did not have lane choice again in the semi-final race versus Tommy Johnson Jr. but his team made the most of their tune-up. Hight’s 4.145 at 310.34 mph was enough to trailer Johnson Jr.’s 4.164 second, 305.56 mph.
“We have definitely turned the corner. This was a get well weekend. Still we shot a spark plug out down there and if it hadn’t have done that we would have won. I made it a close race. I was so ready to get that win. It was a great team effort,” said Hight who was proud of his teammate but personally disappointed to not get the win. “Jon Schaffer came over and helped us out in the second round otherwise we wouldn’t have made it out of the second round. My Auto Club guys went over before the semi-finals and helped them. If I have to lose at least I had to lose to a teammate.”