For the first time in ten years fuel altereds were going to be a part of the professional show. Some scheduling and logistical issues kept the number down to four altereds. The cars would run on a 90 percent rule and 6.20 index.
Dan Hix, Jeremy Sullivan and Shawn Callen were the three nitro altereds and Matt Moreira would make the fourth car in his alcohol fueled altered.
Round One of Fuel Altereds
Jeremy Sullivan (shown) would match up with Moreira in the alcohol car, which would be like a bye run for Sullivan to the final round. However, Moreira was going to make the most of his time on the big stage, sawed down the tree, and ran a career best 6.41/188.41 to cover Sullivan’s 8.49/93.23.
In the semifinal it was Dan Hix along Shawn Callen in the beautiful “High Heaven” fuel altered. Hix moved first and was able to put a sizable lead on Callen then threw the chutes out to keep from going quicker than the 6.20 index taking the win 6.52-188.65 to cover the Boise natives 7.19-201.07.
In the final it was really a barn burner. At the green Hix took a tenth lead, but misjudged the distance and slowed down too quickly, which gave Sullivan a chance to get inside of him and take the win 6.37/188.65 to cover Hix’s 6.48/158.76. It is the first Wally for Sullivan.