In the Livernois Motorsports EcoBoost Battle, Bill Putnam set the quickest elapsed time during qualifying when he ran the quarter mile in 10.245 seconds at 134.10 mph with his ’15 Mustang. It was Brad Gusler of Big Island, Va., however, who made it count when he won the last elimination match of the night in his ’15 EcoBoost Mustang with an easy win over Alexis Fruggiero.
In the bracket categories, Derrick Cornish of Lawrenceburg, Ky., and his ’87 Mustang won Bracket 1, Gary Parker of Villa Rica, Ga., won Bracket 2, and Clifford Moore of Chicago Heights, Ill., won Bracket 3 with his ’95 Mustang.
While we wait for the championship results to be finalized, the following drivers have been given preliminary titles: Phil Hines (Street Outlaw), Aaron Bates (Renegade), Joe Guertin (Coyote Modified), Teddy Weaver (Pure Street), Drew Lyons (Coyote Stock), James Meredith (Factory Stock), Donnie Bowles (Modular Muscle), Dennis Corn (Open Comp), Randy Conway (Truck & Lightning), Marvin Knack (Super Stang), and Danny Towe (Ford Muscle).
The 2017 NMRA season begins March 2-5 at Florida’s Bradenton Motorsports Park.