Hickory, North Carolina’s Jeff Pittman (far lane) was victorious in the Top Sportsman Quick 16 field, running 4.096 on a 4.08 dial-in in the final round versus Randy Perkinson, cousin of Extreme Pro Stock winner Buddy Perkinson. Pittman previously defeated John Benoit and John Prime before getting a single in the semifinals. Perkinson faced Dwayne Silance, 2016 world champion Dan Ferguson, and Cheyenne Stanley in his journey to the final round.

Top Dragster winner Junior Houston (far lane) was simply perfect in his final-round defeat over Matt Sackman, leaving the starting line with a .000 reaction time and running a dead-on 4.040 on his 4.04 dial-in. Sackman, who races with the PDRA on his off weekends as a crew member on Antron Brown’s NHRA Top Fuel dragster, broke out on his 3.92 dial-in, running 3.917 in his first final round appearance.