Foot Brake (Shootout)
In the Shootout for the Foot Brake class the eight car field came down to Dustin Bradford (San Antonio) against Jason Patterson (Highlands). Patterson in his wheelstanding, Houston Truck Parts, ’70 Camaro had 8/100th on Bradford in his ’27 Roadster. Both legged it out to the line and both broke out. Bradford was the least under by .001 while Patterson was .007 off his dial.
Dustin Bradford (5.47) 5.4685 @ 125.38 defeats Jason Patterson (6.32) 6.3126 @ 102.41 (double break out)
Jr. Dragster: Gianni Carrola in the Dirty 30, All in Designs, 2011 Halfscale Chassis got the holeshot win over Graeme Rufenacht's 2014 Halfscale Chassis in the Jr. Dragster finals. Carrola (Boerne) cut a .048 light to Rufenacht's .065. Rufenacht, who ran dead on his number lost to Carrola on the top end by a margin of .003 at the stripe.
Gianni Carrola (7.93) 7.948 @ 81.54 defeats Graeme Rufenacht (7.90) 7.904 @ 82.48
Carrola, who bought back after a round 1 loss, then beat Kenneth Hillin and Lori Rhinefort, plus a round 4 bye. Rufenacht bested Talon Farmer, Leslie Grissom and Audrey Wenske and had a round 2 bye.
Dialing for Dollars
David Cain on his dead-on, double-oh pass.
Starting with Junior Dragsters, third generation racer, Ty Farmer led early, going dead on with an 05. Yesterday’s dominance by the Foot Brake class ended with no one in the running today. But the Electronics cars took their best shot at Farmer's time with a half dozen going dead on their number. About halfway through David Cain (Marion) in his Mission Auto Parts, Brando Custom Paint, ‘99 Innovative Chassis went 4.7500 on his 4.75 dial-in (dead on, double 0) or about as close to perfect as you can get, to take home the pot of about a grand. This, despite struggling with electronics gremlin throughout the weekend.