Cruising toward the finish too was popular Alex Rogeo and ‘Maggie’. The 2008 Hemi-powered Dodge was powered by a brand new Arrington supercharged motor and was clocking low 10s with ease.
Alex’s .010 reaction times didn’t hurt either. She’s through round four with her worst RT of the meet, a .092 but good enough to win. A red light in round 5 stopped the parade, but only in the PRO category.
A red light for one is a win for another, so we kept racing to the final rounds. Not to worry with Alex as she is in the final of MOPAR muscle. It was a big day for Alex and the Mopar Max crew, when she WON Modern MOPAR Muscle!
Closest race of the day was between David Phillips and Ron Strayer when both men ran exactly on their dial. Reaction times were .016 for Dave and a .009 for Ron. How did that happen? It is known as deep vs. shallow staging.
A blast from the past helped fill the void of waiting for cars to cool. Ageless Bob Riggle wowed the crowd with a 1200’ wheelstand by “Hemi Under Glass” (seen here at the Cannery) a fitting tribute to a really top notch MOPARTY PLUS for 2016.