Michael Biehle
And the final pair found Rickie Smith overcoming a massive holeshot and a 250+ mph top-end charge by Michael Biehle. Smith ran a 5.823 249.49 with a .082 RT that just held off Biehle’s .028 RT and 5.893 251.53.
The semifinals featured the first and second qualifiers Rickie Smith and Troy Coughlin against Bob Rahaim and Jim Whitely respectively. Whiteley just plain outdrove Coughlin, cutting a better light and running a better ET. Whiteley combined a .031 RT with a 5.924/241.02 to easily cover Coughlin’s .044 RT and respectable 5.934/249.53.
On the other side of the ladder “Tricky” Rickie continued a dominating performance burying Rahaim with a 5.776/250.00 lap.
The final round was both dramatic and disappointing at the same time. What happened is described in the opening paragraph: Neither car made an official timed pass. At the green Whiteley left on Smith big time but immediately went into tire shake, turned off the engine, and coasted to a stop on the track.
In the left lane Smith's car had severe tire shake, made an immediate right and crossed the center line, got up on the two left wheels when Smith corrected, and hit the right guard wall. The car bounced off, went left back across the lanes and impacted the left guardwall and came to a stop back in the right lane.