Proctor rode the bike to the finish line before he was able to bail, going through the traps still over 85 mph, his legs and feet engulfed in flames. Despite a shoulder dislocated in the fall, Shayne rolled vigorously around on the pavement to put out the fire.
His Bates Leathers did the job they were designed to do—protect Proctor during a slide on pavement. But motorcycle leathers aren’t generally built to be fire retardant. IDBL’s strict helmet standards kept Proctor awake and alert throughout the fall and tumble. The MDIR safety staff and fellow racers all reacted quickly to help douse the flames.
As Proctor was airlifted to the hospital it was a troubled field that took to the staging lanes until news came back that he is expected to fully recover from the injured shoulder and burns on his legs and back.
Proctor was sidelined by a very serious road accident many years ago and came back swinging. He’s already posted on social media that he will be back, and it was duly noted that he won the round despite the explosion, as Fandel broke out.
A GoFundMe account has been set up to help Proctor with his medical bills at
It was many hours later after clean up, rounds of competition, and rain delay that Richard Gadson took the Top Sportsman final round win on Mike Belo’s 1StopSpeed ‘Busa streetbike. Gadson nailed an .023 bulb on Melvin Armel and pushed him to break out.
Rich Gadson