Danny then delivered the goods with a 402.348 run that yielded a two-pass average of 406.769 MPH for a new official World Record in the AA/FS class. While one may say he only bettered his dad’s mark by a tenth, keep in mind Danny’s first pass, cold off the trailer was a stunning 411.19 MPH.
Danny was of course not the only big dog making headlines during Speed Week. George Poteet who survived a 370 MPH crash in 2014 with the Speed Demon car was out with “Speed Demon II” and the car looks and sounds as beastly as its reputation. Shaped like a pencil, powered by a twin turbocharged Small Block Chevy, the new SD II set a new world LSR of 416.511 for B/BFS.
The “Speed Demon II”
The “Speed Demon II” not only set a new LSR for the B Blown Fuel Streamliner class, it was again the fastest car of the meet with a 429.099-MPH run on Tuesday. It was no fluke as a 427-MPH run was logged in the following day. “We got lucky I guess” George quipped in a post-race interview. But with runs of over 400 MPH most every trip down the salt, it’s clearly L.U.C.K. as in Labor Under Correct Knowledge.
These two giants of the high speed realm were not alone.