The only real incident of the day was when Paul Linnett took his T Bucket altered out for a morning qualifier in the Middle Eliminator category. He left the line as per normal, however his car started to wheelstand straight off the line. As he passed the tree the car kept climbing and broke the wheelie bars before getting all four wheels off the ground as the front end climbed skywards. When the car returned to earth the front end hit the ground with a thud and splayed the front wheels, quickly rolling to a stop and putting him out for the rest of the day.
Chelsea Leahy
Chelsea Leahy (far lane) in the Middle Eliminator final.
There was a large program of lower eliminators that provided plenty of thrills for lovers of everything old with Vintage Gassers, Classic Bikes and a host of other excellent machinery. Winners included Paul Galea in Top Eliminator, Chelsea Leahy in Middle Eliminator, Ashley Hayley in Vintage Gas, Marco Tolomeo in Top Gas, Manual Hilounakis in Street Machine, Luke Thomsen in Hot Rod Joshua Howett in Stock and Shannon Thomson in Classic Bike.