Rich McPhillips
Alex Laughlin moved to the Top Alcohol Dragster class at Gainesville. He got past Jackie Fricke in the first round, but lost to Richard Bourke in the second. Bourke ran 5.307 with a .052 RT while Laughlin ran 5.362 with a .132 RT.
Piedmont, Ala., racer David Rampy took the starting line against Wes Leopold, Bethel Park, Pa., in the final round of Comp Eliminator. Leopold took off too soon, fouling at the line. Rampy registered a victory pass of 8.099, 118.68. The Alabama racer defeated Jenny Treadwell in semifinals to advance to the final round.
TOP ALCOHOL DRAGSTER: Justin Ashley, Plainview N.Y., 5.232 seconds, 275.96 def. Rich McPhillips, Phoenixville, Pa., 5.258, 277.20
TOP ALCOHOL FUNNY CAR: Annie Whiteley, Grand Junction, Colo., 5.412, 273.22 def. Dan Pomponio, Berlin, N.J., broke