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Drag Racing Online brings you a step-by-step series of tech articles on purchasing, building and racing a rear engine dragster. Check back to this site for frequent updates to watch our progress .
Project 4 Link: Part 1 | Part 2

This update on "Project 4-Link" will deal with the body panels for the chassis, driver safety equipment, and wheel and tire selection. With so much emphasis in the news about racecar driver safety after the incident that took Dale Earnhardt from us, I felt inclined to go into detail on the equipment I selected. I hope you will take some of my suggestions to heart and not look as safety equipment as something the other guy needs.

When I started looking for safety equipment for myself I definitely was not price shopping; I wanted the best equipment that would offer me the maximum protection in case of an accident. The one requirement all the equipment I need must meet is the IHRA/NHRA SFI-specs. After looking at almost every possible brand of equipment at the PRI Show in Indianapolis last December I decided to go with RCI.

RCI offers this SFI certified Cam-Lock safety harness. We will use wrap around ends on the dragster but they are available with a number of different mounting brackets. Be sure your SFI tag is intact and up to date. You have two years from the punched out date on the sticker.

Cal Adams of RCI was very helpful and knew exactly what I needed for my first venture into open wheel competition. We decided on their 3-inch wrap around mount, Cam-Lock SFI 16.1 safety harness. The Cam-Lock latch on the safety harness will be easier to get hooked up and easier to get out of in the tighter confines of the dragster. The SFI 3.2A/5 rated jacket and pants offer excellent protection for my sons and myself in case the unexpected occurs. The RCI helmet support/neck collar is SFI Spec 3.3 as well and will offer great neck and upper back support during the G-forces encountered leaving the start line and using the 'chute in shutdown. The gloves must meet SFI spec 3.3/1 and even though they are multi-layer, the "feel" for the transbrake button and switches is excellent. The RCI racing shoes meet SFI spec 3.3/5 and could offer protection for more of you than just the racers who are required to wear them.

Want to protect those feet no matter what car you drive? This is RCI's latest Nomex lined racing boot. Very lightweight and a thin sole gives you good pedal feel.

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