by Chris Martin
I want this hand-sewn into a sampler: "Alcohol cars are not the
bread and butter of the DRO readership."
No one got anything on that last quiz; total washout. Oh hell, I think
one of you guys got the DaPozzo vs. Woosley question right, but that's
it. We grade on the curve here and since the highest test score was
in the 10s out of a perfect 100, we're going to throw away the results.
Not even going to post the answers. Mr. Chips is pissed.
For your penance, I'm going to a post an algebra problem as our next
quiz ... ah, never mind.
Okay. Vitriolic diatribe cast to the winds, let's sally forth with
something a wee bit different…at least compared to the last few LQ's.
Five questions on the gas supercharged coupes. These on a scale of
difficulty would rate, oh, I'd say a 6 or 7 on a scale of 10. They are
reader-friendly. To wit: