The Fourth of July is the time we watch a lot
of fire as in fireworks. Everywhere except in
Southern California where we watch several thousand
acres of the Santa Monica Mountains erupt into
flames, killing a year's supply of Easter bunnies.
Anyway, this quiz will deal with July, mid-summer,
fire, and drag racing.
Brian Papallo was
the quickest on the send button with the most
correct answers. Congrats.
- Who was the first Top Fuel winner at the
Columbus Springnationals? D.
Chip Woodall
- Which one of the following pro racers scored
his first career pro win at the Springnationals?
D. Maynard Rupp
- The first Pro Stock winner at any Springnationals
event was D. Ronnie
- Which of the following drivers has never
won Columbus? A. Doug
- Who ran the first four-second run at National
Trail Raceway? B. Gary
And finally, a tie-breaker, just for fun.
- The wettest Springnationals was 1981 when
it was rained out on its first weekend. They
ran it off a week later, but were plagued
with rain throughout, finally concluding the
show around Monday at 1 a.m. What was the
second wettest weekend at this venerable tumbledown
old track? E. all of
the above
