It's been a semi-psychotic month. “The Burkster” blew
into town from St. Louis for the Las Vegas race and the SEMA
show, and ended that romp by collapsing against the front
door of my current residence, my mother’s house. Riding
ten-speeds about town, cranking out copy, calling bondsmen,
I’ve really been a busy little beaver.
now we have the second to last quiz of the year. It’s
November, and, if you are familiar with my prejudices, I
am anything but thankful. If someone gave me a tax-free,
cashier’s check for a couple million, I’d move
to England in a heartbeat. Get out of the rubber room and
head for home. I mean, Christalmighty, the elections??!!
Who dealt that mess anyway? Get me a Bromo Seltzer!
he blows his nose and wipes away tears, the Loaded One poses
these questions.
Last Month's Quiz
winner and answers will be posted soon!
