In keeping with the theme of "one racer, one quiz,"
we present this month's second quiz. The subject is Kenny
Bernstein, arguably the most influential "post Garlits"
Nitro Professional of them all. Truly one who took the sport
to the proverbial Next Level, Bernstein must be given his
due. So here is an eight-pack of Big Bud quiz questions, as
only DRO can provide.
February's First Winner
Congratulations to CLARENCE POWELL, February's
first quiz winner with only one wrong!
1.) He was the first and only black racer to win a hot rod
association national event Funny Car title. D.)
Tony MacCallum
2.) In the mid-seventies, L.A. racers Eddie
and son Rodney Flournoy bought a '74 Mustang Funny Car and
campaigned into the very early 1980s. The race car came from
... A) Jerry Ruth
3.) In the mid-1970s, Joe Fisher of the famed
Christie & Disher Super Stock team and (for a while) Sox
& Martin, drove a Plymouth Pro Stocker for what fairly
well know black Pro Stock racer? D.)
Bill & Shorty Palmer
4.) This famous boxer once raced in IHRA Super Gas competition
until his manager and promoter advised him to cease and desist.
B.) Thomas Hearns
5.) This talented mechanic was based in San
Diego, Calif., and worked on a number of Top Fuel dragsters
in the 1960s and early 1970s, most notably Bill Leavitt's
"Quickie Too" and the Croshier-Baltes-Lavato entries.
He was A.) Harold Miller
