Today Dewayne lives in retirement in the village of Wayland, MO. Most racers who raced at Kahoka from the East or South, traveled through the town during racing season. It is located ½ way between Kahoka, MO (Tri State Dragway) 1960 - 1967 and Keokuk, Iowa (Lee County Dragway) 1969 – 1984.

Wayland’s main claim to Motorsports and Drag Racing fame is the annual ‘Rust Reunion’ held in the heart of downtown. Each year they feature a motor scooter drag race which is a highlight of local and professional talent. The 2016 ‘Rust Reunion’ will take place May 20-21.

Dewayne did mention that a man from his peer group, Tommy Johnson, Jr. was the biggest ‘star’ from the Tri State area. After watching T.J. jr. drive the wheels off the ‘Make a wish’ Funny Car during 2015, we certainly agree.


Of special note, while this column was in final prep, T.J.jr ripped off an all-time low E.T. for Funny Cars at Wild Horse Pass during winter testing, a 3.87 sec. run!

Of course the upper Mississippi River basin is the home base of several prominent drag racing operations. Stars from the area include Tim Wilkerson from Springfield, Ill.; Tommy Johnson Sr. & Jr. from Ottumwa/Fort Madison, Iowa; Rick & Rickie Jones of Galesburg, Ill.; Larry Griffin from Geneseo, Ill.; the small town of Morrison, Ill. is home to Arnie ‘the Farmer’ Beswick as well as the current Nostalgia team of Frank & Debra Ousley with their ‘Crop Duster’ cars.

Dewayne has plenty to cheer about when the races are on TV and he keeps his sense of humor through Facebook and a strong rapport with his friends. Helping with his Grandkids takes some of the sting of not racing away too.