At the El Tapitia restaurant in Denver, Terry Riffle and Vern and Becky McLeland joined my son Brad and I for a great visit and meal. During the conversation, Terry asked if Vern or I remembered Hot Rodding the Krock a gator on the streets of Kahoka. Well, yes, we did remember. It seems that someone started the Hemi engine that fateful NYE, put the car in gear and drove it back into the garage. (We found out that on dry, slightly packed snow, the M&H Racemaster slicks had great traction, almost like on dry pavement.)
El Tapitia restaurant, Denver, Colo. The group that wouldn’t leave. Talking over old times including ‘the run’ were innocent Jim, Becky McLeland, Brad Baker, Vern McLeland, and ‘run’ passenger Terry ‘Tex’ Riffle.
Couple more adult beverages and somebody suggested that since the Plymouth drove so easily back into the garage, we should take it out for a spin. How else could we make enough noise on NYE and cover a wide area of Kahoka? So five of us piled into the ‘Drag Racing Only’ car designed for one person and away we went on the snow and ice.
‘Tex’ Riffle was in the back seat area on very light weight carpet over the wheel well. During the Denver visit, he told of burning his rear as the tires rubbed his butt. Vern said he had heard about the ‘Run’ but thought it was made up until that night. My seat was in the front passenger side on a small fiberglass seat only meant for show. After more than 51 years we could not remember who drove or rode that night.
Several days later, in Des Moines, Iowa, I reunited with Ray Halberstadt who drove my Pontiac powered Top Fuel Dragster during most of 1964. We met at the Village Inn and had a great two hours together. At some point, Ray asked, “Do you remember the night we took the ‘Kroc-a-gator’ for a ride in the snow?” My answer was quick and positive that several of us did remember, but we didn’t know who the driver was.
“ME!” exclaimed Ray.