I could only stand
around and look at the car for about
30 minutes before I tore into it.
I new the wiring and dash had to
go. The wiring should not scare
anyone away. After the old stuff
is gone it is EASY. Here is a pile
of about 100 plastic wire ties used
to secure everything and the remnants
of the wire removal. It took about
an hour. |
Here is the stripped
dash panel. After removing the cover
I found out I will be cutting out
the rest of the stock dash and make
my own aluminum dash. It can be
done with about $15.00 worth of
aluminum. |
I am in the process of cleaning everything
up right now. All the welding on the car looks
great and overall I think it will be a good
car. In the next issue I will let you know how
everything went at the Swap Meet. I hope to
sell a bunch of parts I have laying around and
will be looking for bargains on the parts I
need for the Vega.
The rear half of
the car must have been assembled using
a kit. The aluminum work and frame
construction is very nice. The aluminum
needs some cleaning, but is in great
shape. |
If you ever go to a big swap meet I suggest you
make a list and stick to it. I have one that is
pretty long, but goes something like this: Race
Seat (18 inches wide), oil pressure gauge, water
temperature gauge, 5-inch face tach, 5.13 ring
and pinion for the Dana 60, steering column kit
(I want to get rid of the stock Vega steering
column), just about EVERYTHING to build a 355-inch
small block Chevy and some small parts that vendor
might have like wire ends, spools of 14 and 16
gauge wiring, etc.
The next installment should see some progress
being made on some reassembly. I am going to
get the wiring done first, rear suspension put
back together, then the fuel system, the front
suspension and then the body work and new paint.
be a fun project and I know it will be fun to
get back in a "door car" again and watch them
dragsters come shooting by!
STAY TUNED. We are just getting
started on "Back-2-Basics" -- something we all
need a bit of from time to time!