We got some pretty good comments in DRO's reader survey of the seemingly
never-ending saga of supercharged versus nitrous oxide-aided Pro Modifieds.
Here are some of your observations.
"Split them into two 16-car shows and bring both back for a Top Eliminator
type go. It was good enough for the Smokers shows at Bakersfield, once
upon a time."
"As you said, it has to happen now. The parity is gone. Too much knowledge
avilable to the blown alky guys. Unless the nitrous guys can figure
out a better fuel or alky programs in their tune-ups, they might as
well stick to their Quick 8 all-nitrous down-home races. Really too
bad IHRA let it go so far."
"The damage has been done! We all love and respect the Hemi motor,
but in Pro Mod! Dam."
"Ringling Bros. Should give up the name greatest show on earth.' IHRA
has it in their Pro Mod show."
"Both supercharged and nitrous cars. This is what makes the Pro Mods
so fun to watch."
"As much as I love the blower cars (and I do), the nitrous cars must
have a legitimate chance. I was at the Rock and I actually felt sorry
for the nitrous guys."
"I think blower cars are more appealing to fans. Nitrous cars look
like they belong in bracket class. They also sound that way. There should
be 2 separate classes and quit changing rules."
"I don't see nitrous cars only. What happened to freedom of choice?
Thanks for saying what needed to be said."
"Start adding weight to the supercharged cars until the fields start
coming out even."
"The 100-lb weight penalty announced by Mike Baker will not, in my
opinion, slow the top running blower cars down at all. I do not favor
penalizing supercharged entries for their improved performances. Short
term it looks like nitrous cars will beat a disadvantage this year in
cool weather. Long term solutions might be to increase nitrous engine
displacement and allow more stages, solenoids, and bottles. Supercharged
cars are now too heavy to be safe, in my opinion. Whatever changes IHRA
or anyone else decides to implement for next year should be announced
as far in advance as possible to allow for development time. I see no
circumstances which would lead me to favor tubochargers as an alternative
to nitrous. My personal opinion is that turbos should remain in Comp
or Street classes. Thanks for asking my opinion."
"It is just great seeing the blown cars race the nitrous. I mean, it's
like David and Goliath!!"
"I don't want it to end up like Pro Stock, a bunch of look-alikes.
I like the diversity, like the old gassers and floppers. It makes it
much more interesting. You can tell these cars apart."
"The blown cars are too close to being alcohol funny cars. Let the
supercharged cars run with the funnies and make Pro Mod all nitrous
"It may be most pragmatic to add the 50 pounds back onto the blown
cars and re-evaluate things after the next 2 or 3 races."
"The strength of the class is the various body styles, difference in
engines (nitrous vs blower) and e.t./speed . . . low 6's/220 plus. Low
6's provide a tremendous amount of excitement. You don't need to go
any faster for the class to remain exciting. The beauty of the class
has been the natural rivalry of nitrous vs blower. As a fan, you have
to pick sides, you have to take a stand, you have to pick a camp. This
natural tension helps make the class exciting. It creates a rivalry.
A 100 percent blower field would relegate the class to just another
blown alcohol class of racing. The top blower cars are only a few more
test and tune passes away from a 6.05-6.08 run. The answer is to take
away some of the blower technology (blower size, overdrive, heads, axle
ratio, etc.). The nitrous cars are already on the ragged edge running
three stages of nitrous. A fourth stage or less weight is not the answer
as most cars are already heavily dieted and as light as possible at
2350 lbs. It appears that the IHRA wants a blown-only Pro Mod class.
I think that is short sighted and a poor decision for the sport. However,
if that is the decision, the IHRA should be big enough to admit it and
let the nitrous racers make a decision about their future. That would
be the class thing to do. Pro Mod (nitrous vs blower) is unique compared
to other professional classes of drag racing. IHRA uniqueness has been
a lack of arrogance . . . a racer-friendly organization unlike the other
sanctioning body, Don't blow your uniqueness. Do whatever it takes to
maintain that unique Pro Mod rivalry."
"Nitrous, supercharged, turbo. Yes."
"Let's not forget it all started with nitrous. Plus it will keep Mr.
Fulton a job! (LOL)"
"I sent an idea to IHRA a year or so ago about Pro Mod. I had suggested
that they break the ladder into two sub-ladders, blower runs blower
and nitrous runs nitrous; then the winners of each run off for the big
enchilada. I got no response. I guess they wanted the interaction, but
after the first round, it will be mainly blower except on really hot
"While it's a pain in the ass to constantly try to achieve parity
between the combinations, it must be done in order to keep the diversity
that made the class so popular. It can be done. Look at the NHRA and
the blown/alky vs injected/nitro cars. At one point they almost got
rid of the A/Fuelers altogether! However, after years of controversy,
it seems that there's pretty good parity between the combinations, and
the class is way better for it (in my mind). The same needs to be done
with the Pro Mods."