Shining Light
Ever had a flashlight hanging out of your mouth while you try to hold
the funnel and fuel jug in the late rounds at about 10:00 PM? Me too!
I came up with a quick and cheap fix. Picked up an RV domelight ($5.85)
and made an aluminum bracket to hold it over the fuel cell. Now just
click the light on and fuel it up with the benefit of being able to
see what you are doing. Be sure to get an inline fuse for the hot wire
to the light. Total cost about $8.00.
(Besides the light it gives off, it draws a lot of interest in the
day too. I just tell them it is my Global Positioning Receiver!)
Extinguish This!
This tech tip has to do with safety. Have you ever had a tech inspector
tell you that your fire extinguisher mount is more dangerous than the
fire? Well I did. He said the flimsy little latch might come unhooked
in a crash and then there would be a 125-mph missile (the fire extinguisher)
flying around in the car. After I got done laughing I realized he was
right! I came up with this homemade piece of pvc schedule 40 plastic
pipe, cut it the right height to get the fire extinguisher in it and
ran a pin through the pipe to retain the fire extinguisher. Just pull
the clip on the pin and you have your fire extinguisher. It can't be
thrown out and can't vibrate out of the holder.
Cost about $3.00 to make the mount. I feel better with the fire Extinguisher
- have any of you seen any rescue equipment at the end of the shut down
area at your local tracks? Better safe than sorry is an old saying that
applies here.
Mirror, Mirror on the Door
This little mirror on the door might be a necessity if your track doesn't
have good help in the water box. By opening the door you can easily
see if you have pulled into the water box the way you want to. Total
cost $5.00 and some silicone adhesive.
Pressure Points
Does your tire pressure gauge bang around inside your car? Did you forget
it at the trailer and now you are in the staging lanes? It is a tool
that MUST be accurate as we rely on it to be within a half-pound time
after time.
Well, let's treat it like an accurate instrument. This little clamp
was $1.89 at a hardware store and hold the tire gauge round after round.
The "Kan Koozie" around the gauge also protects it from vibrations and
impact. The Kan Koozie is free, just steal one from your buddy!
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