
I have a 230-inch RE dragster with an inline 6 cylinder Chevy. I
am currently using a Liberty 5-speed. My problem is not being able
to make a run without VIOLENT TIRE SHAKE!! My question is, can pinion
angle be a factor in this? I didn't have quite this much trouble last
season, but I did put on new Goodyears from Chile. I've been told
by other racers that the new tires are more likely to cause tire shake.
Do you have any theories on this problem?
Gary Fields
I don't know too much about dragsters, but if you are concerned
about pinion angle, I take it that you have a 4-link? If you do have
a 4-link, move the 4-link IC until you find something better. Set
your pinion angle at neg. 1.5° and try to move air pressure in your