Drag Racing Online: The Magazine

Volume VIII, Issue 5, Page


Check Out That Chassis

By Scott Weney of S&W Racecars

I recently changed my rear suspension with the "team z" upper & lower control arms, also installed Qa1 rear coilover shocks with 110lb springs ( weight on rear axle 1125lbs & front is 1375lbs) On scales the balance is 55 front 45 rear- I set the anti squat to 129% the ic is 41" out and 11.1" up. This is a 550hp 302 with a C4 trans &5500 ati convertor. Am I close to where I should be?   Thanks.

Gil Merolli


If this is a 10.5 car I would run it right where you have it. They need to hit the tire hard on the leave.

If this is a big slick car you should lower the ic to about 6” and the length you have should be good. The rear shock will work best set on 3-4 clicks from soft.

Call me if you need any more help after you run it.


Scott Weney
President, S & W Race Cars


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Check Out That Chassis [4/7/06]
Scott Weney will straighten out your chassis problems

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