Will 2010 be the year our bracket racing and sportsman events really gain some momentum?
- Will local tracks seize the opportunity to host some regional Sportsman Class races (i.e.-Stock-Super/Stock Combos, Super Classes) and take advantage of the reduced LODRS events their racers will tow to?
- Will local tracks and local racers enjoy racing in front of more race fans? It could happen if track operators use Free Admission Days, discount tickets and such to bring people in who want entertained but also want to spend less money to be entertained. (I went to movie the other night…I know this is a goofy example: $7.00 to get in for wife Barb and I, but then the bargain ended..1 box of Ju-Jus $4.00, I large popcorn $7.00, two small (about 30 oz.) sodas at $3.25 ea. That’s $31.50 for a 90 minute movie! I know, I am a cheap skate but to me it looks like a FREE Admission ticket to watch some nice looking race cars would rank right up there for a lot of people. What can it hurt? I hope they try it.
- Local companies and nation-wide companies will all be looking for good bargains when it comes to marketing. Now might be a great time to
dust off your sponsor proposal folders and hit up a few local companies with some ideas that can benefit them while using you as their marketing tool. Remember, it’s NOT what can they do for you….it’s what you can do for them.
I will close with that for this month. I hope you season starts off great. Maybe we will see you at some of the races this year.