by Dave Koehler
Dear Sir,
I need to know can I gain 400hp from a 2.5 Chrysler inline 4 engine n/a
using N2O and race gas or methanol. Turbo does this power, block is
strong enough, but can it be reached in a naturally aspirated application?
I will take your word for it
that the engine, transmission and chassis can
handle copious amounts of nitrous. It is technically
possible to jam that much fuel and nitrous down
it's throat. However, whether the engine can
absorb, burn and in turn create that much of
an increase is another story. Please note that
I do not see it as feasible or sensible to attempt
injecting that much of an increase at the hit
of the throttle on a 4 cylinder.
A pro drag racing style nozzle
system (which means one nozzle per cylinder
minimum) will be required. Some study must be
given to a two stage system or a progressive
nitrous controller so you can roll into it in
much the same way the turbo works.
Have a safe race,
Dave Koehler
I have a fuel problem. I have a '74 duster with a 360 and a rons toilet fuel inj. The motor 11.0 com huges cam 622 lift heads are w2 mopar. They set me up 31 nozzles. The car runs good 900 ft. then lays over. I barrowed exhaust temp. gauge. When I get 900 ft. the exhaust temp. goes to 1560 degrees. I had 85 pill in it so I went to a 65 pill and the temp. only went to 1510. So, I went to 35 nozzles with 65 pill and the temp. was still 1500 degrees and it's rich idling no matter how much I adjust barrel valve and lean on the top end. Is my pump bad or do I have other problems?
IF the car used to run fine
and you now have to keep richening it up to
maintain the same ET, the pump is dying. What
do the spark plugs tell you? IF you are indeed
lean, you should be seeing a color change in
the strap and the first threads of the plug.
If you keep going richer and it keeps slowing
down, then go the other way.
Without knowing the actual
flow rate of the pump (flow testing) it is not
credible to comment on the nozzle and main jet
Have a safe race,
Dave Koehler
