Drag Racing Online: The Magazine

Volume VIII, Issue 3, Page

Reher-Morrison Racing Engines' David Reher and Darin Morgan answer your questions about cylinder heads or anything else concerning your racing engine building problems. Remember who you're are dealing with so no soft-ball questions.


Given a specific engine size, say a 358 pro stock truck engine, can a set of heads flow more air than an engine can use for its size given the velocity and cross sectional area is correct and the heads are not lazy

Kurt Hugger


People often want fast and simple little equations or a set of rules to address this problem and there simply isn’t any. Airflow within an engine is very complex. To put it simply, it’s a matter of air speed more than air flow. Air speed is the primary tuning variable and the one most over looked. All too often people pay attention to flow numbers all the while disregarding the underlying dynamics that truly govern airflow within an engine. The consequence of this is that they choose heads that are over valved and have ports that are too large for there engine and the RPM range it will operate in. This is the scenario people refer to when they say,” Those heads flow to much air for that engine.”

In your question you asked,” can a set of heads flow more air than an engine can use for its size given the velocity and cross sectional area is correct?”

 If the velocity and cross sectional areas are correct the port can not flow too much air for the engine.

David Reher asked Darin Morgan to answer this question because it is his area of expertise.

Reher-Morrison Racing Engines
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Arlington Texas 76001
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