Volume IX, Issue 7, Page 141


The late NHRA starter Buster Couch and friends. What’s the caption?

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After much debate, the winner is Ed Golden from Michigan, who submitted:

"Say - Aren't you that clown that broke into the Wayne County Speed Shop a few years ago? "

Getting Honorable Mentions are:

"When you said you could help me knock Greg Anderson off I had something else in mind! ." --Steve, Germany

"Quit Clowing around and get the real tech guy... " --Steve Harvey, Waterloo, IA

"Well Bozo, if it doesn't fit get a bigger hammer. " --Bob Honeybrook, Sydney, Australia

"Larry was beginning to have serious doubts about his new association with the Ringling Bros. Race Engines LTD. " -- Jerry Gross, Pittsburgh, PA

"Of course its certified! You sure you're a tech inspector? " -- Neal Zook, Hollister, CA

"NEWSFLASH! Larry Morgan escapes serious injury at Topeka after telling the clown who was working on his car 'When I nod my head, hit it.' " --Leland Hewell

"If the sticking point in the contract is a crazy bike with funny offset wheels, that's not a problem. I've still got Glidden's old wobbly bike you can ride. " -- Kile Putman, Homewood, AL

"The NHRA tech department hires a new top secret staff member, Herry 'The Hammer' Heckman to find those ever elusive hidden nitrous oxide systems. " -- Greg Fergus, Springfield, MO

"Larry kept the clown from Wayne County busy talking and even tricked him into showing Larry the infamous Hemi-Hammer. Meanwhile the FBI moved in to make the arrest. " --Don Rosenberry

"He just couldn't stay away. Glidden, cleverly disguised, is seen installing his latest tune up for Morgan. " -- Paul Lisska, Ohio

"Larry: You can threaten me all you want, but I'm not takin' you and your twelve friends for a ride! " -- Kenny Shane, New York

"HD Partners CEO was spotted in Morgan's pro stock pit area. " --Klay Henderson, Cleveland, AL

"Once again, Larry Morgan loses faith in NHRA and their tech department " --Mike Walker, Cabot, Arkansas

Got a good photo for the Back Door?

Snail mail your slide or photo to: At the Back Door, Drag Racing Online, 114 E. Elm St. #8, O'Fallon, MO 63366. [Photo won't be returned unless you include a self-addressed stamped envelope]. E-mail your digitized photo in JPEG format to backdoor@dragracingonline.com

Limit one photo per person per month, please.

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