Volume IX, Issue 9, Page 150


David Sassaman caught this scene at Indy. What’s the caption?

Send your best caption to backdoor@dragracingonline.com.

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After much debate, the winner is Jeff Hayes from Lyons, NY, who submitted:

"I can drive WAY more than 55, but I can't play this damn guitar if my life depended on it! "

Getting Honorable Mentions are:

"Four hours later they were swapping underwear. " --Jake Sanders

"Just say the word Tony and i'll shear that mop quicker than Rick can say shut 'er down! " --Jon Frank, Jamestown, Ohio

"In conjunction with Cabo Wabo Tequila, Sammy Hagar has introduced a popular form of 'Who's got the button' he calls 'Who ate the worm.' I'm guessing the solider wtih his mouth closed won this round. " -Jody Putman, Homewood, AL

"I can probably play this guitar, but that hippy will never get that helmet over that hair. " -- Jim Mulcahy, Tucson, AZ

"Hmmm...$1500 helmet. $2500 guitar. Watching them try to use both...Priceless." -- Phillip Wiginton, Canton, GA

"Come on Sarge, just try it. Cabo IS alcohol. You'll be the first to run 355! " --Brian Kingdon, Watseka, IL

"This is NOT what I meant when I said we need a new TUNE up. " -- Ekim Enryb, Calgary, Alabama

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Snail mail your slide or photo to: At the Back Door, Drag Racing Online, 114 E. Elm St. #8, O'Fallon, MO 63366. [Photo won't be returned unless you include a self-addressed stamped envelope]. E-mail your digitized photo in JPEG format to backdoor@dragracingonline.com

Limit one photo per person per month, please.

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