Regional racing has also been the bedrock of the IDBL, founded on the MIROCK two-track series that preceded it. By centering their motorcycle drag racing series in the cradle of civilization where organized drag bike racing was born (the center of the Atlantic Sea coast) they can’t miss at attracting motorcycle drag racers. And by having a two-track racing series, MDIR and Rockingham, the racers don’t have far to travel.
Regionalism is the new modern era motorcycle drag racing model. Racers can spend more of their hard earned dollars on go-fast parts, race more often and enjoy it more, by staying local in a race series. I sincerely doubt we will ever again see a coast to coast, all-bike only, championship points series.
Which brings us to the fascinating topic of a world motorcycle drag racing championship; is such a thing a viable concept? Clearly the FIM and Trakbak Racing feel that way. Last September 23, in a joint communiqué from the FIM (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme) based in Switzerland in conjunction with Trakbak Racing Limited of the UK, the world was informed that the creation of a “FIM World Cup Drag Bike” type of series is now underway. I know their initial intent is to create a series built from one specific professional class of motorcycle drag racing first, then expand the series to embrace other classes and grow the series overall. The concept is great; I hope they can make it work.
In the same vein, on social media recently, a gaggle of international motorcycle drag racers, some very high-profile ones at that, were in open discussion on this topic of what constitutes true World Class or indeed World Cup racing? Participants in open discussion exchanged that if the series participants do not travel the world and race on separate race courses, like for example in F-1 racing, can any series actually claim a “World Champion?” I certainly have no heartburn with the essence of what the racers were imparting: If racers don’t travel the world and race on equal terms, it’s not true world class racing for a true world championship. But is this necessary to embrace a world class of achievement?
The essence of the debate is true to form, but if an open door is available to all on equal terms, is a championship any less of a World Class championship if racers choose to participate from around the globe or not? In my opinion, I think not, so long as the rules are universal.
Peter Svensson
Let’s face it, when Peter Svensson, on August 12, 2012, clocked a 5.70 elapsed time in competition, he was without debate, and remains, the quickest Top Fuel motorcycle in the world. Did he have to go 5.70 on more than one race track to prove his mettle and validate his claim on different international race courses? No, of course not; his number stands and all other Top Fuel motorcycles lie in his wake.
The common denominator that makes that motorcycle’s claim to being the world’s quickest T/F bike valid is that it’s built to the rules of various sanctioning bodies so that motorcycle would pass Tech Inspection anywhere, anytime for its class of competition. The motorcycle and team does not have to race with various sanctions at various race tracks world-wide for its achievement to be recognized as valid for a world record. But is does have to meet universal build standards to be universally accepted and therefore its record as well. Peter ran the number during sanctioned competition, his motorcycle was teched in that weekend. He met all the acceptable criteria for a valid run.
This is the heart and soul of world record Land Speed Record racing (LSR) that is part and parcel to its universal acceptance world-wide. And it’s from the roots of the Bonneville Salt Flats’ own SCTA, the Southern California Timing Association, that the sport of drag racing began in the late 1940’s. The universally accepted rules of LSR to this very day set standards that are recognized world-wide. So, why not accept a “World Cup” or world class of record so long as the rules are universally accepted?