Hello, I was checking out your
site and I love it. Its a
great site. I had a question for
you that, even if you cannot answer
it, perhaps you can point me in
the right direction.
I have a 1970 Monte Carlo I want
to build up for Street drags. I
already have some things in mind
for what I want to do, but my ultimate
goal is to get a 10-second car,
but nothing higher than 12.00.
I want to do this keeping the 350
c.i. engine it has in it right now.
Ive already thrown an Erson
Cam, but so far thats all
Ive done. My other plans are
to rebuild the Edelbrock Q jet I
have for it, convert it from direct
drive to an electric fan to free
up more horses. I have a set of
camel hump 202 heads I plan to port
and polish. Hooker headers, dual
Flowmaster and the best intake I
can find.
Im currently on the lookout
for an M-22 Rock Crusher Manual
4-speed transmission. Id like
to get at least a 12-second car
without a turbocharger, supercharger
or nitrous. Ill add one of
the three to get the extra seconds
if necessary. I plan to run 393
gears (posi of course) and Im
going to convert the ignition system
over to MSD to handle higher performance
Running hi performance fuel with
the configuration I am talking about,
would it be possible to pull this
off with a 350 and if, if not, please
give me any recommendations to what
I can do to make it happen.
Thank you so much for your time.
Dear Mr. Monte Carlo,
Thanks for supporting DRO and thanks for your
The 1970 Monte Carlo is a great car, unfortunately,
it is a little on the heavy side. But, being
an old Super Stock racer, I understand your
plight. If my calculations are correct, you
will need a minimum of 500 horsepower to propel
your car to the 10-second range. This can be
obtained with your 350 c.i. engine, but you
will have to rub on it a little.
I suggest that you go through your short block
and make sure it will handle the hp. You need
aftermarket rods, forged pistons, good rings
and bearings, and a balance job.
Your cylinder heads are a good choice. I recommend
that you angle mill them to raise the compression.
If you use flat top pistons, youll want
somewhere between 11.5:1 and 12:1.
As far as camshaft, a roller is the way to
go, although I have made this kind of hp with
a flat tappet cam, which is more economical.
You will need something in the 600-plus lift
range. Youll want roller rockers, of course.
The 4-speed transmission is a lot of fun, but
can be inconsistent and hard on parts. You will
probably need a little more gear and will definitely
need some form of traction device to help move
the weight.
You will definitely need to run race gas and
the Q-jet will work fine, but it too will need
a little TLC.
This sounds like a fun project. Good luck.
