I have a queston on carb size and fuel. I have a 30 over small block 400 Dart Little M block. Inside is a Eagle 3.75in crank, Eagle 5 7 rod's, JE 13.1 piston's, Child and Albert total seal ring's, Lunati solid roller cam. The block has been decked 10 thousands, Holley black fuel pump, Holley Strip Dom. intake, Holloy HP 1000cfm 4150 carb with 1 inch spacer, A set of cast iron Bowtie angle plug head's that have ported and polished, 2 speed powerglide with BTE 5500 stall 8in converter in a '55 Chevy weight 2990lb.
Runs 6.67 1/8, 10.68 1/4, 1.45 60foot, I also run Sonoco purple race fuel. I run in the footbrake class no electronics. My question is, will my motor run any faster if I install a 1050 dom. And should I install a bigger GPH fuel pump? And what octaine fuel level should I be using, I think Sonoco purple is 108 octaine. Any advice would be very helpful, Thank's
I would stay with the carb you have. If it is in good condition you will see little to no improvement with a Dominator. The Holley black pump is probably operating at its limit but should be fine. The Sunoco Purple is a 110 octane but with 13:1 I would recommend using the Sunoco Blue which is 112 octane. I have seen performance improvements on 11:1 engines when switching from Purple to Blue. It somewhat depends on the combination of coarse. Hope this helps.
Jay Roeder
You can also email Jay Roeder at roeder@dragracingonline.com